Acrylic work is on boards and cradled in handmade low profile frames. It’s ready to hang on a wall or most can stand on a level surface. The work is done with an acrylic clear medium in layers. There are sometimes as many as 20 layers to a work. The medium is very glossy and although the photographs are the best possible, there is something that doesn’t quite translate to a digital image. It’s best to see them in person.
This page is in process. The majority of the pre-pandemic work is sold. Soon I’ll pull out the box of paintings and tag all this work. If you’re here and interested in purchase before that, please reach out.
"Afterglow," 2023, 12x7, $140-220
"Wildest Dreams," 2023, 6x7 $60-100
"Karma," 2023, 6x6, $60-100
"Lavendar Haze," 2023, 6x6, $60-100
"Anti Hero," 2023, 6x6, $60-100
"Here Comes Sunshine," 2023, 6x6, $60-100
"Till the Morning Comes," 2023, $60-100
"Sugar Magnolia," 2023, 6x6, $60-100
"Blame It On A Dark Star," 2023, 6x6 (sold)
"Nightfall Of Diamonds," 2023, 8x8 (sold)
"Candyman," 2023, 6x8, $60-100
"Dancing In The Streets," 2023 6x6 $60-100
"New Minglewood Blues," 2022 6x8,$60-100
"I Was Yours For Three Years," 2023, 7x11, $60-100
"Kelp 2," 2018, acrylic 6x6 (sold)
"Kelp 1," 2018, acrylic 6x6 (sold)
"What Was I Made For," 2022, 8x13, $140-220
"Light Listing," 2019, acrylic, 8x6
"Thermal Column," 2019, acrylic, 9x6
"Blade Angle," 2018, acrylic, 2018, 8x5
"Load Factor," 2018, acrylic, 8x6
"Crosswind," 2018, acrylic, 8x5
"Downwind Leg," 2018, acrylic, 10x6
"Payload," 2017, acrylic 6x8
"Overshoot," 2018, acrylic, 8x10
"Mach," 2017, acrylic, 6x8
"Unmoored," 2018, acrylic, 8x10
"Joystick," 2018, acrylic, 8x10
"Hypoxia," 2018, acrylic, 8x10
"Gross Weight," 2016, acrylic, 6x6
"Feathering," 2018, acrylic,16x20
"Uncontrolled," 2018, acrylic, 8x10 (sold)
"Off Course," 2018, acrylic, 8x10
"Drifting," 2018, acrylic, 8x10
"Zephyr," acrylic, 2018, (sold)
"Grounded," 2019, acrylic, 8x10 (sold)
"Take Off," 2019, acrylic, 10x8
"Tack Windward," 2019, acrylic, 10x8
"Static Lift," 2019, acrylic, 6x6
"Rolling Hitch," 2019, acrylic, 6x8
"Rip Tides," 2019, acrylic, 8c6
"Propeller," 2019, acrylic, 8x6
"Preignition," 2019, acrylic, 8x10 (sold)
"Point of Sail II," 2019, acrylic, 8x10
"Point Of Sail," 2019, acrylic, 10x8 (sold)
"Perturbation," 2019, acrylic, 8x6
"Night Heron," 2019, acrylic, 8x6
"Maneuvering Speed," 2019, acrylic, 8x6
"Absolute Altitude," 2018, acrylic, 8x5
"Lost Loft," 2020, acrylic 8x6
"Lift Off," 2019 acrylic 8x6 (sold)
"Jay Entangled," 2019, acrylic, 6x8
"Food Security," 2019, acrylic 6x6 $40-80
"Flaperon," 2019, acrylic, 8x6
"Firmament," 2019, acrylic, 8x6
"Fettered," 2019, acrylic 8x6
"Down Draft," 2019, acrylic, 6x8
"Don King," acrylic, 2019, (sold)
"Descent," 2019, acrylic, 6x8, (sold)
"Circled," 2019, acrylic, 8x6,
"Chinook," 2019, acrylic, 6x8
"Pressure Height," 2019, acrylic, 10x8
"Capsize," 2019, acrylicm 6x8 (sold)
"Buoyancy," 2019, acrylic, 10x8,
"Bowline," 2019, acrylic, 6x8
"Ballonet," 2019, acrylic, 8x6,
"Ballast," 2019, acrylic, 8x6
"Fantisnow," 2019, acrylic, 6x6 (sold)
"The Serial Monogamist." 2018, acry;ic. 8x12 sold
"Sorry I Wasnt Very Good at Polyamory," 2019. acrylic, 8x12 $80-130
"Non-Hierarchical Bonding," 2019, acrylic, 8x12, $80-130
"Nesting Partner," 2019, acrylic, 8x12
"It's all About Me Isn't It." 2019, acrylic, $80-130
"Compersion," 2019, acrylic 8x12, $80-130